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Crimson Updates - final push towards going public
Greetings once again dear Metanthropes,


We are well underway in 2021 and we are closing into an important milestone. On April’s first (no preemptive April fool’s joke!), Metanthropes RPG will be in full development for two years. I am also aiming for this date to be the date which the site goes live. Metanthropes.com will open its gate to the world, and these empty blog posts and forums will be visited by potentially many new Metanthropes.

Crimson version of the game (the 6th btw) has been updating the site, starting from the most fundamental – the Rules. You can see the changes in the links bellow, or in the menu bar above you under the of RULES.  The game’s rules have been segmented into four pages for better and quicker referencing. Crimson rules include many examples, new tables, links to navigate across the site, and follow the proper flow found after many iterations.  The pictures and some tables will change, but the flow will most likely remain, while the game’s rule themselves have not utterly changed, rather focused on removing rules and mechanics that caused issues and center around each segment of the rules synergizing with the others. Hopefully, you will agree - any initial feedback would be most welcomed (still waiting for the feedback of "Enter Meta". Come on guys! 👾)


Visit here to see the System:


Visit here to see Actions:


Visit here to see Movement:


Visit here to see Combat:



On other news, in case you have not noticed yet – we have a beautiful WELCOME page (courtesy of @Nil) to introduce guests and convey them into becoming members into our future community. The artworks and well as the final version of our Logo have been uploaded into the gallery.

Dear closed alpha member reading this, thank you for your support and trust thus far, that I will deliver the game that we deserve 😊. The website will be constantly updating during the next couple of months, with our next stop being Chapter 2: My Character, which will include an updated PC creation and development system, updates on Stats, Perks, a massive update on Items aaaaaaaaand the Crimson Character Sheet!


Stay Legit everyone,

And stay Meta.

    • Legit
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👾 🐉 🤠 Wyrdverse Saga: Finale Episode 22/1/21 👾 🐉 🤠
This Friday....


Wyrdverse Saga concludes !

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2020 Finale update
Happy 2021 Metanthropes. This blog entry is about to the current state of the Metanthropes RPG game and a listing of game updates, as well as upcoming changes.  

    • Legit
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🌌 🌌Wyrdverse Saga: Episode 9 18/12/20🌌🌌
Penultimate Wyrdverse Saga Session,


Episode 9: Wyrdception


The Wyrd Coalition will formulate a plan and infiltrate "the Box" within the Astral Dimension.

What Wyrdness can possible await them within ?!

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🌌 Wyrdverse Saga: Episode 8. 11/12/20🌌
After a horrific incident at the Nether Dimension, the Wyrd Coalition finaly found the soul of Doctor Wyrd.


Now the WAY to defeat Cormac lies ahead of them ...

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👻👻 Wyrdverse Saga: Episode 7 27/11/20 👻👻
More Nether?

More Wyrdness?
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👻 Wyrdverse Saga: Episode 6 20/11/20 👻
👻 Wyrdverse Saga: Episode 6 20/11/20 👻

Nether Wyrdness

- Journey through Nether

- A walk through history

- Rich in Roleplay, Descriptions & Concepts

- Spirit Encounters

- Wyrdness !


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👽👻🤠 Wyrdverse Saga: Episode 4 👽👻🤠
Does the Wyrd Coalition have what it takes to defeat the mighty boss "ZAPman?"

Will Esteban or Kiew join the fight?

Will they pass through the Nether-gate and find Doctor Wyrd?

IS Cormac ... Cormac ?

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👽👻🤠 Wyrdverse Saga: Episode 3 👽👻🤠
Wyrdverse Episode 3: "Cormac Rises"
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👽👻🤠 Wyrdverse Saga: Episode 2 👽👻🤠
[more info coming soon!]

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​ 👽👻🤠  ​ Wyrdverse Saga: Episode 1 "Enter  Wyrd" ​ 👽👻🤠  ​
New all-random PCs with new Character Sheet!

4 Session Saga with continuation and PC development by spending XPs!

Comic Relief, Action packed Roleplaying Sessions!

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10kXP Arena ! (premade or create your own PC)
Welcome to META Arena 10k !


RULES - things to know:

You can create your own character on AstralVTT or select one Premade with 10k XP PCs (coming soon).

If your PC is not ready up until 20:00 on Friday, you will play with a premade instead (keep tight schedule).

Arena begins 20:00 ! Get together, create PCs and chit chat from 19:00.

A list of 20+ Metapowers will be available and around ~10 Combos as well ( list coming soon !)

Session ends at 12:00 AM. We can still hang out for a post Session discussion afterwards. (or play some more, for the lolz 😉 )

Free for all, every player has two lives, last player standing or whenever time limit has ended - who ever has the most kills = winner.

Winner will receive 100 community reputation points!

Secret rolls option, not shared view amongst the gladiators (duh, arena).

A new Map build for Arena senarios will be revealed for players to familiarize themselves around it.(coming soon)

Map will offer Destiny as drops that appear at the beginning of the game and at the beginning of each new Cycle at standard locations (nothing will be randomized). Each PC will begin with the same number of Destiny (or roll?)

Map will have trees, and earth for enviroment based Metapowers (such as Animate Plants or Control Earth) to function (no NPCs or animals, zombie etc. though)

Guns: in order to begin the arena with weapons - you will need to spend a few 100's of XP at Weapons Perk. Also the Athletics (gymnastics) Perk will be available to aid in hand to hand and melee sittuations. No armors though, Resistances are found only through Metapowers.

New XP costs will be updated on website tables - but they already work on AstralVTT - each participant will be invited during this week to a game, where they can join - roll new PC - spend experience on your own sweet time (you will need to asign you a character once you join, and confirm your build once you are done).


Stay tuned for more updates! 



    • Legit
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New Character Sheet & Updates
Here are the updates of the new Character Sheet on AstralVTT:


Buffs and Conditions are now placed underneath the Stat/Char that they influence. (Green = Buffs, Red = Conditions). 


You can now spend your PC's experience by clicking the appropriate circled checkboxes on the character sheet. Each checkbox automatically calculates how much xp you must spend and removes it from your total. No need even to click on "build character". Developing your PC has never been easier.


New Player Characters:

You can now instead of playing premade PCs, effortlessly create a new one at AstralVTT. 

By having the entierty of your new PC rolls made with just a button, and then selecting which of the roll outcomes goes where. 



You can also have the entire PC creation proccess made randomly this way by making a couple more clicks as seen here:



I am quite satisfied with the way Metanthropes on AstralVTT is developing. It will never replace the "meeting up close" experience of tabletop RPGs - but it offers a new experience, which has its own graces. Apparently the 500 hours I've spent already on Astral are paying off !



Stay Legit.

Stay Meta.

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Coalition VS Coalition
*more info coming soon* 
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Mid Sept Updates 🍊
Καλημέρα ευγενικοί Μετάνθρωποι,

Στην σημερινή συνεδρίαση του ΠΥΡ «Μετάνθρωποι» θα έχουμε τα εξής καινούργια περιεχόμενα:


1)      Updated Versions of Premade Characters (4.000 xp builds), eight PCs to choose from. Their builds are:

                                I.            Meta Charisma 3             &            Animate Nature 3

                              II.            Electrokinesis 3                &            Flight 2

                            III.            Dark Energy 3                   &            Forcefield Generation 2

                            IV.            Time Bending 3                 &            Meta Vision 3

                              V.            6th Sense 3                          &            Weaken Metapower 3

                            VI.            Duplicate Self 3                &            Invulnerability 3

                          VII.            Control Matter 3              &           Telekinesis 2

                        VIII.            Animal Powers 3              &           Sizeshift 3

2)      Action Bar: Για το σέσσιον της Παρασκευής (18/9) όλα τα Metapowers, όπλα και άλλα τα πετάς στο Chat πατώντας ένα κουμπί.


3)      Working Checkboxes: Όλα τα Buffs και Conditions που ανεβάζουν/κατεβάζουν Stat είτε Characteristic είναι σε μορφή checkbox το οποίο το κλικάρεις χωρίς να χρειάζεται να κάνεις edit τον χαρακτήρα σου και το υπολογίζει αμέσως και στο Stat αλλά και στις ζαριές. ΠΧ: Στη παρακάτω εικόνα ο παιχταράς μας έχει 71 Reflexes και αν πατήσει το κουμπάκι (10) ανεβαίνει κατά 10 στο 81. Ισχύει και για τα Conditions και δουλεύει.

4)      Calculated Levels of Success/Fail on Chat: Πλέον αντί για να λέει «έφερες τόσο και έχεις τόσο στο Stat (υπολόγισε μόνος σου τα lvls), θα λέει «έχεις τόσο και το αποτέλεσμα της ζαριάς σου ήταν τόσο (total result). ΠΧ: Στη παρακάτω εικόνα ο παιχταράς μας έχει 81 Reflexes και του λέει έφερες total result : - 10. Αυτό είναι ένα lvl of failure. «ΜΑ καλά με 81 και fail? Πόσο έφερα ;! Κάνεις hover το total result και σου λέει πόσο έφερες (91). Το μόνο πρόβλημα είναι ότι σε αυτή τη version δεν φαίνεται όταν φέρνεις 1/100 εύκολα.

5)      Locations Random d100 Roll. Σε ένα κουμπί ρίχνει ένα d100 και σου δείχνει τα αποτελέσματα. Οι περισσότερες επιθέσεις δεν γίνονται targeted. Οπότε αυτή η ζαριά μπήκε στο Action Bar για να γλιτώνουμε αρκετό χρόνο.

6)      Faster Initiative. Πατώντας το κουμπί 1 στο Action Bar ρίχνει Initiative και σε βάζει κατευθείαν στη σειρά σου (θέλει λίγο edit από Narrator γιατί δεν υπολογίζει τα αρνητικά και θέλει λίγη δουλίτσα ακόμα αλλά σώζεται αρκετός χρόνος από το να τα γράφω ένα-ένα στο χαρτί.

7)      Playtest tonight: Opposing Coalitions: Hostage Exchange!

😎      Stay Legit, Stay Meta!
  • 4 replies

"The Thing" Tribute
Reverse your seat now: 

-          Roleplay, deduction, suspense. A crew of human astronauts is stranded on a station waiting for rescue. As provisions and morale runs low, the station’s computer warns the crew that one of them is a shape-changing alien.

-          Experience the dread, mistrust and backstabbing Roleplay as humans must deduct who is the alien while waiting for rescue, while the alien must rely on Metapowers and subterfuge to hide its identity.

-          The alien is selected at random. Use hidden rolls and secret meetings with the Narrator to fool the other players. The rest must not resort to paranoia and work together to find the alien.

-          PVP settings set to max.

-          Max available slots: 5

More info coming soon! 
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Zombie Defense 9/9/20
Reserve your seat now ! 

-          No RP, players vs antagonists

-          Survive waves of zombies and gain Community Reputation points!

-          Play non-Metapowered human commandos!

-          Help Metanthropes by playtesting Strikes, Weapons, and Body Conditions! (its gonna get bloody)

-          Max available slots: 5

More information coming soon!
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Tycho Station One-shot 4 September
Tycho Station One-shot 4 September
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Pregenerated Player Characters
10 Pregenerated PCs are almost ready, a few finishing touches to be made, maybe by you !

Their Background and other personal information is to be decided and updated. 

Take an early peek at their Origins, Metapower, Stats, etc here:


All Pregens are selectable in Astral Tabletop Top, with a new interactive character sheet, premade especially for each of the 10 pregen.

Prepare for September Sessions ! (Friday 4th first session)
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Who is who amongst the Meta?
The secret hierarchy of Metanthropes and all beings Meta. Who is who amongst their ranks, what roles they play and what is the limit of their capabilities?
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Guerilla Bay 2 !
The surving members of the Coaltion: Jevon, Qi and Felicyta are going to the "La Rossa" ship to extract REVENGE on those who tricked them ! 




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Guerilla Bay
Stealth, shootouts and dreadful boss-fight !

more info coming soon ! 
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Street Showdown
Two oppossing Coalition will clash on a cyberpunk's city streets. Only one will survive.

More information concerning the event coming soon - post if you have any problems with day/time plz ! 

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Meta Elevation
The first remote Roleplaying Session on Astral Tabletop is upon us. 

The Session will be brief (from min 2 hours to max 4 hours), will introduce us all to a new way of playing, a new platform and will be the first official RPing Session done remotely.

You will need to have an account on https://www.astraltabletop.com/ 

Create a new Player Character ( the session will be a one-shot, so no real need for in-depth Player Character Development ). Your Player Character can be created prior to the Session here on the website (although the  Stat rolls will be rolled probably before we begin on Saturday). If you are in the mood, create your PC here:  https://www.metanthropes.com/characters/create/  . It will help me to know before the Session which Metapower you want to play (choose anyone you want) and for displaying purposes to have uploaded a picture so that I can create your Avatar in-game beforehand. 

You can use Webcams to see your reactions and roleplay in real time (recommended).

Concept for the beginning of the story : You are some random stranger's that are found inside a companie's elevator. You could be from the boss of the company going upstairs to the office, to a courier delivery person, to an escape convict hidding from police. You being as a human and will turn into a Metanthrope at the beginning of the story (Origin: Cosmic Connection). 

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