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Upcoming "Orange" Version Updates
New version coming up !

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Cooperative Base Defence Meta Arena
Lets take a break from PVP and join forces TOGETHER VS Antagonists who will attempt to destroy your base !

Wave after wave in a play style that reminds classic "Tower defense" games, a Coalition of Metanthropes must work together, synergize their Metapowers to their best of the capabilities to surive waves upon waves of different Antagonists !

Further Arena Rules will be posted latter this week, what you need to know now is that you will start with 1 Metapower at Level 1 and end (if you make it) with more than one MP at Level 5 ( + Combos).

Join the event early, reverse your seat and discuss possible Metapower choises and options here ! 

    • Legit
  • 5 replies

Meta Team Deathmatch 2
New Avatars from beloved franchises to choose from !

Courtesy of @NiL

A couple of Rules will change and will be posted soon, Team Deathmatch is the way to go ! ! ! 

Discuss here about possible teammates and Metapower selection preferences ! 

    • Legit
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What would you like our next Remote Event to be ?
Vote on the poll which options you prefer ! 
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First Meta Team Deathmatch is upon us ! 

This Friday ...

Two Teams of Metanthropes. 

One Map. 

One victorious team !

Stay tuned for detailed arena rules ! 
  • 11 replies

Meta Arena 2
Greetings everyone,

who's up for our quarentine Saturday night Meta Arena ?!

Meetup at Discord: 19:00

Arena Begins: 20:00


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Greetings Metanthropes,

here are the rules of the upcoming first official Meta Arena. More such remote events will come, with different Arena maps & Rules. You will need to know the rules of the game (atleast familiar with the D100 system) in order to play, this is not an introduction to Metanthropes RPG. This is a special event for a special day. 1 Year in development of this game, I will award 100 Community Reputation points to the winner of the first arena (also eternal glory) !

    • Legit
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1 Year in development Digital Arena Party
No joke 😉

 ☄️2020's April Fool's Day is an important, meta date 🙂 Metanthropes RPG closes one year in development.

 ☄️What a better way to celebrate than a REMOTE META ARENA ! 

 ☄️Here are some area maps concepts, rules and details will be posted soon !

  • 4 replies

T2 - Act 2 - Episode 2: "Cyberwarfare"
Skylar and Aevan established corporate hegemony. 

For the next 15 weeks or so, while the Coalition's plans materialize, the new Chairwoman and VP of Takinama Enterprises will be challenged from external and interal forces and realize that the corporate warfare they just embarked upon is a mask that covers a greater "Cyberwarfare". 

Father Balian reaches a level on his Metapowers where restoring a Life lost had become possible and contemplates on its use and its reprecussions. Odette delves deeper into the mysteries of the Takinama family and company. Lynn deals with her past, struggling with repressed memories and the secrets of her family.
  • 35 replies

T2 - ACT 2: Ye Who Shall Inherit the World, Episode 1
Date: 8/3/2020

Time: 15:00 pm 

Tapestry 2 - Act 2 - Episode 1 " Corporate Hegemony "

The Chairman is dead. His secret will is for the Children of the Divisions to be his legacy. 

Each Children holds the 11% of the Mega-corporation "Takinama Enterprises", currently placed as the second most powerful Megacorporation in the world.

The rest of the  board members await for the election of a new Chairman and a plan led out for the company's future on those perilous times. The Coalition has chosen to prepare themselves and must form an elaborate plan to that will ensure their ... " Corporate Hegomony" ! 
  • 2 replies

T2 - Act 1, Episode 5: "Kyoto Disaster"
Tapestry 2, Act 1: The Incident

Episode 5: "Kyoto Disaster"

"The safehouse of Kyoto is compromised! A massive army of hundreds of automaton samurai have surrounded the temple. The tower is falling and within it, our protagonists alongside with trusted human companions. The once quite and peaceful streets of Kyoto's temple area has quickly turned into a disaster! Will everyone survive this mayhem? "

    • Legit
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Rude Awakenings One-Shot
Rude Awakenings One-Shot. An introductory Session to the System, the Metapowers and the Cosmos of Metanthropes.
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Why add a 10th Classification ?

    • Legit
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T2 - Act 1, Episode 4: "Setting the Stage"
" Lynn, Skylar, Odette, Aevan and Balian managed to prevent the assassination attempt on the Chairman of Takinama Enterprises. Wounded and bloodied, although still alive, Minamoto rests at the hands of Skylar. Who was behind the assassination attempt and the hacking of Takinama Enterprises?  Is it someone the Coalition already met or a threat from the past?

But what exactly was the past of the Coaltion? A dream, a programm or an idea that came to life? 

The Incident instigated a series of events that will change the world forever. The stage is only setting." 
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T2 - Act 1, Episode 3: " The Chairman"
The day of the Incident as it was later known, is the day that the world learned about a massive unknown object incoming to Earth. 

Symptomatically, on the same day the Children reunited in Japan, to mourn with thousands others the death of a visionary and pioneer human, Seizo Takinama the founder of Takinama Enterprizes. Seizo is survived by his wife and son, the one the Children knew in the Divisions as Mina, the Tutor. 

Now Minamoto, for the last decade runs Takinama Enterprizes as the Chairman. The Children know he is the only one with answers about their mysterious childhood, their newfound Metapowers and perhaps even knows what is behind the Incident. 

The road to the Chairman is paved on gears and parts of broken robots, but this is only the beginning.
  • 9 replies

T2 Episode 2 XP
Greetings Children,

the next time we see each other you would have all grown up and you will be the Children no more. Let me help you grow by giving you Experience *performs radioactive ionism*.

Δεν εχω ακομα τα Arc κτλ των χαρακτήρων σας οποτε θα πάρετε ΧΠ για την τελευταία σκηνή που παίξαμε και η επαρχόμενη ειναι το "τι κανατε ~20 χρόνια". Μετα από αυτή τη σκηνή θα πάρετε περίπου άλλα τόσα ΧΠ με τα παρακατω, gia na exete etoima BUILDS ktl . Μετα θα έρθει το ρε-γιουνιον kai tha enwthun ta 3 timelines (tha deite tha deite)

Aivan: 1350 [ Aether exit ] @Lefteris Vladimiros

Lynn: 1350 [ Aether exit ] @Kostas Koronaios

Cat~O: 1300 [ Astral exit ] @Liza Pl Vladimirou

Skylar: 1250 [ Aether exit ] @cproc

Balian: 1250 [ Nether exit ] @Bourantas Nontas

  • 6 replies

T2 - ACt 1, Episode 2: "Sins of our Fathers"
"The year is 1990. Gomennasai, Aivan-san. Turnabato ...." 

The Children are scattered across three moments in a single Timeline. Bred to become Metanthropes, they initially become humans first. Thrown into the world, alone the Children as they grow they meet for the first time the real world. Some are fueled by faith, others by rage - they somehow manage to become adults and survive. 

Until one fateful day, the Incident will make the world freeze, and will ignite their Metapowers. Their fates will reunite once more, becoming a singular Timeline, and the events of the Tapestry will slowly begin to unfold. 
    • Legit
  • 1 reply

T2 - ACT 1 : The Incident, Episode 1
Children are born and raised in a place called "Division 3" by three individuals. The are raised to become to world's first Metanthropes, but who will they really become? 

What is "The Incident" that will make everyone freeze ? 

Where and when is Division 3 ?
  • 0 replies

Metanthropes Project Timeline with Milestones
Αυτό είναι το πλάνο μου. Ξέρω ότι τις περισσότερες φορές τα πράγματα δεν πάνε ακριβώς όπως τα θες, αλλά η ύπαρξη ενώς πλάνου είναι απαραίτητη. Οι ημερομηνίες είναι βασισμένες σε ότι έχω ερευνήσει και καταλάβει μέχρι τώρα για το πώς δουλεύει ένα KS project και το πλάνο που παρουσιάζεται περιλαμβάνει το Metanthropes Βook και ένα One-Shot-Session Zine. 
    • Legit
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Tapestry 2 - Preludes
This event will include the Character Creation of your new PCs and a prelude story for all.

Start thinking about your new PCs (Metapowers, Perks etc), but know that the Prelude will begin and all PCs will be children ( less than 10 years of age), growing up together in an institute.

During this Prelude, you will be given the chanse to showcase who your PC will become, establish personality from a much younger age, without Metapowers (yet 😉 ) and create the first relationships between the members of the Coalition.
    • Legit
  • 5 replies

How would you like us to continue Poll
My opinion on my suggestions (-) negative and (+) positive of each IMO. I can gather intel and feedback pretty much from everything we play. I am but an intrument for your entertainment, YOU as my playters get to vote and decide what we gonna do next week !

1. (-) Issues that occur is that your PCs have around 15k XP and are getting into Omnipowered territory that would be hard for me to track, progress and develop. (+) We continue our well establish story into epic Omnipowered stuff

2. That is maybe for the best option. Start fresh, me given the chanse to keep a better track of the development of characters, but most importanly test again the story of Tapestry, the story that might accompany the first book, a story that needs to be played more tbh. (-) You might think its anticilactic to start again (+) helps to write the story book

3. Full feedback in combat/ action scenes and multiple character generators. (-) no RP system-metapower feedback (+) arenas are fun.

4. Space Crew & Aliens & Coalition working together in the most absurd of circumstances (-) (+) = tiz all good

5. A journey to other Dimensions, cosmonauts, psychonauts and psychedelic encounters. (-) (+) = tiz all good

6. An intresting idea that I would like to explore, everyone being a Metanthrope.

7. We would all get to discover great real-life mythos and explore our own Metanthrope interpratation to real-life lore

8. Suggest anything else you might wanna try ! 
    • Legit
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Session 16 - Act III finale Part 2
EXiT Metanthrope storyline continues ! 

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XP, Updates and Narrator's Ultimatums
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Session 15 - Exit Metanthrope Finale
Who Lives ? Who Dies ? 
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A new Respec needs a new CHARACTER SHEET
Front page. Borw na sas ta analysw edw, alla o skopos einai na einai self explenatory (ektws apo ola ta conditions fysika)

apo koda mazi me to respect kainurgio sheet.

afto einai to front page (to Action page)
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